How to upgrade/install Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)

Ankit Kumar
5 min readApr 25, 2020


The latest version of ubuntu 20.04 LTS released on 23rd April 2020. This article will show you how to upgrade into the new version and also how to install ubuntu from scratch.

Installation requirement for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is

  • 2 GHz dual-core processor
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 25 GB of hard drive space (or USB stick, memory card or external drive but see Live CD for an alternative approach)
  • VGA capable of 1024x768 screen resolution
  • Either a CD/DVD drive or a USB port for the installer media
  • Internet access is always helpful

So let’s start:-

Part 1: Upgrading ubuntu 18.04 to ubuntu 20.04 through the command line

If you’re using old ubuntu version like ubuntu 18.04 LTS then you can directly upgrade into it through the command line. Make sure to backup your important files into secondary storage for better precautions.

step 1: Upgrade all install packages on ubuntu using

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

step 2: Now you’ve to make sure to install update-manager-core package by using

sudo apt install update-manager-core

step 3: The final command for checking & upgrading into the new LTS version using

sudo do-release-upgrade

This will search for a newer version and If it finds a newer version then it will require around 1.5 GB data and ask you to install new packages. After choosing yes, your procedure will start accordingly.

If you’re showing this:

Note: Checking for a new Ubuntu release
There is no development version of an LTS available.
To upgrade to the latest non-LTS development release
set Prompt=normal in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades.

that means you might not see the upgrade immediately, as it takes time from the older version. But if you want to upgrade forcefully, you can do it by using

sudo do-release-upgrade -d

“-d” refers to get the latest support version forcefully.

Part 2: Fresh installation from a live USB/CD.

step 1: Download the iso files of latest ubuntu release from their official site

step 2: Create a bootable disk. You can use rufus,( ) easy to use and faster too.

Press START after choosing ISO file

step 3: Prepare your PC to boot from USB.

Every bios screen is different so for better help. You can check this page

for better help.

step 4: Starting the installation.

Loading screen for ubuntu 20.04

step 5: In the opening screen you’ve to choose between try ubuntu and install ubuntu.

step 6: Choose your preferred language and keyboard layout.

step 7: Get connected to any wireless, if any:

step 8: Install third party software and updates by choosing them and click on continue further.

step 9: Go for something else if you need dual booting.

step 10: Let’s allocate, swap memory = 2 * Ram Size for better performance of RAM and Create / partition of remaining unallocated size, Select the free space and then Click on the “+” symbol to create a new partition.

e.g: / — 8 GB (for root space)
SWAP — 2 GB (for RAM Performance)
/home (for home directory)

I’ve allocated like this :

step 12: Proceed to continue for further steps.

step 13. Select a region and input your account info like user and password details and at last, ubuntu is started to install. It’ll take a few minutes to install and then restart your system.

Your ubuntu installation is ready. Enjoy Ubuntu.


Ankit Kumar

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